DigitStore Storage systems

DigitStore – Automated digital storage system

DigitStore are vending machine modules for the controlled storage, goods issue and warehouse management of small parts and consumables in industrial, commercial and craft businesses.

By using DigitStore, material consumption can be reduced by up to 50%. The integrated software provides a permanent overview of stocks and goods withdrawals. Evaluations for management, purchasing, accounting or controlling are generated in real time. If required, orders can be placed directly with the supplier of the goods and parts in DigitStore.

Access to DigitStore is via personalized access cards so that materials can only be removed by authorized employees. Overall, the time and organizational effort required for material procurement and removal is reduced to a minimum. In addition, access to spare parts and consumables is possible around the clock, regardless of working hours and the presence of warehouse employees.

Your advantages:


  • Material access 24/7 – regardless of the warehouse’s working hours.

  • Controllable warehouse – individual access authorizations and detailed monitoring of stock levels and material flows.


  • Reduction of material consumption by up to 50% – thanks to fully automatically controlled material removal and the option of determining output quantities per employee.


  • Immediate reporting – evaluations for management, purchasing, warehouse, accounting and controlling are available in real time.


  • Simplified procurement process – permanent access to current stock levels, automated notification.


  • Time saving – the time and organization required for material purchasing and removal is reduced to a minimum.

  • No misissues – employees can only remove material for which they are authorized.


  • Warehouse software – integrated software for warehouse management and control via web browser from any device. Simple data management and prompt communication between server and DigitStore.


  • Flexible configuration of storage compartments – the capacity of the DigitStore can be adapted to operational requirements at any time.

  • Authorized Service – Technical Support.

Would you like to make your warehouse more effective and modern?

Controlled storage, goods issue and warehouse management of small parts and consumables in industrial, commercial and craft businesses.