Energy optimization | Save energy

SEHON painting systems are the perfect symbiosis of high-tech and green technology. SEHON technology can reduce the energy requirements of paint booths by up to 80 % or more. This is made possible by innovative unit and control technology with a number of unique features.

These include, for example, the integration of CHP, photovoltaics and solar thermal energy, highly effective year-round heat recovery, a perfect filter system, unique energy-saving modules with bypass technology, fully automatic booth air output control in all operating modes and a fully automatic air pressure regulation system for constant quality during painting, standby and drying.


Protection of nature and the environment
State-of-the-art system technology with particle-free exhaust air and integrated green technology not only ensure the best possible painting quality and high efficiency, but also maximum protection of nature and the environment.
Saving energy throughout the company
In energy management, SEHON goes a decisive step further and has expanded its activities to include the holistic energy optimization of paint stores. Special control systems and coordinated products are used for the interaction of several energy generators and energy consumers in process and building technology.

This saves paint stores up to 90 % of their total operating energy costs, as only a minimal proportion of the total energy needs to be purchased. The majority of the energy is produced in-house, used several times, operates the technical systems and heats connected rooms and buildings.


Energy monitoring
SE-ECONCONTROL (energy monitoring from SEHON) enables total transparency, cost control and management of all energy consumption. Due to the enormous energy efficiency of SEHON technology, state subsidy programs are usually available for energy-saving measures and their financing. System-related or holistic energy optimization and energy modernization are not only possible for SEHON systems, but also for existing systems from other suppliers.


Reduce energy costs?

Energy optimization for painting systems, spray booths and the entire plant