Sustainability for paint booths

SEHON offers a comprehensive range of services and products to make existing and new painting systems and paint stores sustainable.

Energy prices force us to rethink

Sustainability is the key management issue of the coming years, also for paint stores. This is due to the ever-increasing energy prices, which should almost inevitably lead company owners to rethink their approach. Tiemo Sehon comments: “Lower energy consumption has a direct and immediate impact on the company’s wallet. However, saving energy also means sustainability, as harmful CO2 emissions are reduced accordingly.” Consumer behavior is also changing more and more towards sustainability. The same applies to legal requirements and regulations for dealing with nature and the environment.

Saving energy in new and old spray booths

Paint booths and dryers are the biggest energy consumers in paint stores. SEHON therefore offers a range of energy-saving measures that take immediate and efficient effect for both existing and new paint shops and combination paint shops. In the case of existing systems, a professional energy-efficient refurbishment of the existing paint booths and dryers is a good idea, with maximum state subsidies available to partially finance the investment. This energy-saving update from SEHON is possible for almost all systems and brands on the market, i.e. not just for SEHON brand systems. Thanks to intelligent energy-saving technologies, SEHON cabins and dryers are among the world’s energy-saving champions when it comes to new builds. Compared to similar systems with few or no energy-saving modules, SEHON systems consume up to 80 % less energy. These coordinated energy-saving modules include, for example, perfect energy control by operating mode, efficient year-round heat recovery and excellent filter systems. It is also possible to integrate regenerative and alternative forms of energy, in particular solar thermal energy, photovoltaics and combined heat and power units.

Sustainability – thinking and acting for the long term

In the case of new systems, it is important to plan and think ahead for the next 20 years. This is why SEHON looks at newly equipped plants as a whole, i.e. an effective energy management system for the entire plant. This energy management system with CHP technology tailored to paint stores means that businesses only have to buy in a fraction of the energy they need or become completely energy self-sufficient. And what’s special: The energy generated in the company not only supplies the paint shops, but also the in-house heating system, for example.
Modern, energy-saving and sustainable paint booth
Modern high-end paint booth – energy-saving and sustainable – with up to 80 % less energy consumption.
Energy center with CHP for more sustainability
SEHON – Specialist for energy reduction in the entire paint store, e.g. CHP, photovoltaics. solar thermal energy.

Importance of sustainability for paint shops

If energy is saved, this automatically results in a corresponding reduction in CO2 emissions. Up to 80% less CO2 emissions from paint shops not only saves a lot of money, but also makes the paint store sustainable. Many SEHON customers already attach great importance to a green footprint. It should not be underestimated that a green paint store has an enormously positive image. According to a recent international study by Simon-Kucher of more than 10,000 end customers surveyed, 74% of German respondents stated that they had changed their consumer behavior slightly to significantly more sustainably in the past five years. According to Simon-Kucher, half of consumers cite sustainability as an important value. Consumers’ expectations have risen accordingly. Sustainability is becoming the norm, no longer the exception. Corporations have known this for a long time and are positioning themselves accordingly. Smaller and medium-sized companies should not be left behind. A green philosophy promotes customer decisions and image, even for paint stores.
Control and energy management for the best possible sustainability
Intelligent, intuitive energy management and energy control. Less energy consumption through to energy self-sufficiency.
Tiemo Sehon - CEO of SEHON Lackieranlagen
SEHON is the leading specialist in sustainability and energy saving for new and existing painting systems.

Leveraging experience in sustainability and energy saving

If energy is saved, this automatically results in a corresponding reduction in CO2 emissions. Up to 80% less CO2 emissions from paint shops not only saves a lot of money, but also makes the paint store sustainable. Many SEHON customers already attach great importance to a green footprint. It should not be underestimated that a green paint store has an enormously positive image. According to a recent international study by Simon-Kucher of more than 10,000 end customers surveyed, 74% of German respondents stated that they had changed their consumer behavior slightly to significantly more sustainably in the past five years. According to Simon-Kucher, half of consumers cite sustainability as an important value. Consumers’ expectations have risen accordingly. Sustainability is becoming the norm, no longer the exception. Corporations have known this for a long time and are positioning themselves accordingly. Smaller and medium-sized companies should not be left behind. A green philosophy promotes customer decisions and image, even for paint stores.

Reduce energy costs - paint sustainably.

SEHON – your partner for sustainability and energy saving in new and existing spray booths.